Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)


If you, your family, or organization wishes to collect litter in your community, please complete this form to receive a transfer station fee exemption letter. Please note it may take up to 48 hours to receive your fee exemption letter. 

All residents participating in litter clean-up must:

    • Follow all provincial and public health unit guidelines
    • Pick up litter during daylight hours only
    • Stay clear of any maintenance or construction operations equipment
    • Stay clear of any water hazards
    • Discontinue work in inclement weather
    • Refrain from collecting litter on pavement, shoulders, and medians
    • Refrain from collecting litter on bridges, overpasses, steep ground or in tunnels
    • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
    • Stay alert for any hazardous plants such as poison ivy and giant hogweed.

All residents participating in litter clean-up:

  • Will be solely responsible for any injuries, claims, liabilities, suits, or costs resulting from their activities
  • Agree to follow the above guidelines and indemnify Peterborough County for harm and loss
  • Will not hold Peterborough County responsible for any injuries or damages that they may cause or suffer as a result of litter clean-up.
I agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.